Top > Research Theme > Research Policy-type Rtudy A Study on Regional Design with Respect to History, Culture and Natural Views Unique to the Regions In recent years, urban development that makes use of regional resources is being promoted in various regions. Infrastructures are also required to give consideration to culture and history unique to such regions. For example, the Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Plan aims to “form attractive tourist spots by making the most of regional characteristics using tourist resources,” and the Hokkaido Comprehensive Development Plan encourages “promotion of Ainu culture closely related to nature” as part of the “formation of a sustainable regional society to lead the global environmental era and to live in harmony with nature.” Against such a background, this study identifies problems and research needs associated with infrastructural development using regional resources, and discusses study methods through collection and analysis of past measures taken in Hokkaido and examples of advanced areas in Japan and overseas, as well as through exchange of opinions with scholars and intellectuals.