Scenec Landscape Research Team

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Major Research(2016 - 2021)

Study on techniques for supporting the evaluation, design and management of outdoor public spaces to help develop internationally competitive tourism areas

Making Japan into a nation of tourism is an important agenda of Japan. Under the National Spatial Strategies (National Plan) of August 2015, the development of attractive, world-class tourist areas is said to be required. The Hokkaido Comprehensive Development Plan, Interim Report (Draft) of August 2015 specifies "the development of world-class tourist areas" and, to achieve this goal, "the promotion of technologies that contribute to the promotion of tourism, including the development of favorable landscapes" as major directions to be taken by the national and local governments.

In considering how to promote tourism, improve the attractiveness of tourist areas, promote extended stays by tourists, which has been an important issue in recent years, and increase the duration of visitor stays in tourist areas, the following has been identified as important: the quality and functions of landscapes and spaces, including outdoor public spaces (e.g., roads and streets, squares, and the spaces of private properties adjacent to such public spaces).

However, not only are Japan's tourist areas inferior to thriving tourist areas overseas in terms of the points described in the previous passage, but Japan's tourist areas have been unsuccessful in improving their quality and functions in many cases. This is because determining and prioritizing those tasks that are truly necessary for the realization of an attractive tourism nation are difficult and because knowledge and technologies necessary for such tasks have not been established.

To contribute to the formation of world-class tourist areas in many regions of Japan while keeping in mind that those tourist areas are for those who make long stays at one location, we will clarify the requirements for attractive tourist areas in terms of outdoor public spaces. The knowledge obtained in this study will make it possible to identify problems to be solved regarding outdoor public spaces in tourist areas. We will support the tourist areas in planning for efficient, effective methods for developing and improving outdoor public spaces.