Scenec Landscape Research Team

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Emphasis Study

A study on optimum layout technology for road space elements by means of multidimensional evaluation including landscape functions

Consideration of landscapes is required for public projects conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and technologies to meet these requirements are becoming necessary. The national government is also promoting the establishment of a tourism-oriented country as the New Growth Strategy. Since tourism is one of Hokkaido’s key industries and the number of both Japanese and overseas tourists who enjoy driving and the roadside landscapes is increasing, the prefecture is expected to contribute to the growth strategies of both the national government and MLIT.


Meanwhile, investment capability for road improvement is decreasing with an increase in maintenance and renewal costs due to financial shortages, and an increase in and aging of infrastructure stock in recent years. Therefore, it is necessary to establish efficient road improvement, maintenance and control technologies that can ensure the necessary functions while at the same time being landscape friendly. 


In this study, an evaluation technology for sequence landscapes of roads will first be developed through clarification of the evaluation structure for such landscapes. Next, multidimensional evaluation will be conducted on the landscape and other functions, and the costs of the elements of road spaces currently designed and established in accordance with various establishment criteria, for the purpose of optimizing road spaces including their landscapes.



An example of aesthetic layout of roadside landscape and road space elements (snow poles that are not disturbing the landscape)