Scenec Landscape Research Team

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Basic Studies(2017 - 2020)

Studies on color design for civil engineering facilities

In public spaces, the colors and landscapes of civil engineering facilities can greatly affect their functions. Each type of civil engineering facility has certain desirable colors. The subjects of examination for suitable colors are not limited to the facility under planning, but include enormous numbers of existing civil engineering facilities. Examination of suitable colors is strongly required for any existing facility that is repaired, rebuilt, or expanded.

However, there are no specified methods for color design for civil engineering facilities in public spaces. Civil engineers have difficulty in selecting colors for facilities. Therefore, there are not a few cases in which inappropriate color selection has not only harmed the landscape but has decreased the performance of the civil engineering facilities.

In cold, snowy areas, the landscape greatly changes in the snowy season; therefore, consideration for winter landscape is also necessary. Furthermore, cost reduction has been an important issue in developing civil engineering facilities in recent years. Careful examination of painting costs is also required.

In this study, by conducting (1) and (2) below, we aim to propose rational color design methods that consider costs and the changes in landscape in the snowy season.

  • Clarification and systematization of the status and problems in terms of color for existing civil engineering facilities and of examples of color examination for such facilities
  • Evaluation analysis on the relationship between the color and function of civil engineering facilities and the surrounding environment