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A study on easy-to-understand information and guidance systems and design of public spaces

Regional revitalization through the establishment of a tourism-oriented country under the New Growth Strategy of the national government and creation of internationally competitive tourist spots under the new Comprehensive Development Plan of Hokkaido are among the main policy objectives. Much “urban development” activity through tourism has recently been observed in Hokkaido and other parts of Japan, in expectation of regional revitalization.


The number of Japanese and overseas tourists using rented cars is increasing. The increase in the number of overseas tourists that drive has been especially significant in recent years, and a further increase is expected in the future. The number of elderly drivers is also increasing yearly. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce universal information and guidance systems that are easy for non-Japanese and elderly people to understand, and such systems are also expected to contribute to the creation of attractive tourist spots.


However, since the current criteria for information and guidance systems were established many years ago and are not sufficient to deal with the current increase and diversification of tourist traffic, independent measures concerning such systems are being taken in some regions. Meanwhile, there are also cases in which the use of too many signs results in an actual reduction in the effect of such information, or causes hindrance to landscapes in tourist spots, and these problems have been pointed out by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism committees.


Since guidance by information signs alone has its limitations, it is necessary to develop easy-to-understand space design in which spatial structures and other facilities supplement each other.


Therefore, this study includes sorting/systematization of problems concerning information and guidance systems mainly from the viewpoint of users of tourism-related traffic, consideration of effective landscape-friendly systems, surveys on understandability of spaces and presentation of effective information and guidance methods in combination with space design.